SpaceCat 3D Mouse
SpaceCat 3D Mouse Label
Softly Elastic Computer Input in Six Degrees of Freedom

SpaceCat for CG Artists

SpaceCat is an alternative 3D/6DOF-SpaceMouse for CG artists. Its softly elastic suspension enables both position and velocity control for optimal usability and ergonomics. It is being developed for CG artists for e.g. navigation, motion capture and posing. It offers an alternative to the standard mouse and thereby helps avoiding repetitive strain injuries (RSI).

As the next step a proof of concept with a CG artist is needed. If you know how to save time using SpaceCat, please contact me. Your ideas could prove very rewarding for both you and the project. Else, if you'd be interested to eventually buy a SpaceCat from an initial batch or interested in a demo, please also drop me an email. After many years, SpaceCat is visible again, and this certainly enhances the chances for a great product idea!

Further Info main home page

SpaceCat for Blender, short YouTube-demo (3min)

SpaceCat for Blender, long YouTube-demo (12min)

SpaceCat for CG Artists, Martin Sundin, PDF

M Sundin & M Fjeld (2009) Softly Elastic 6DOF Input, Int. J. of HCI, 25:7, 647-691

Softly Elastic Device for 6DOF Input, YouTube, game application


main web page:
3D Mouse Image